
Narayan Shila- Worshipping the 'The living fossil.'

  Ture knowledge of Veda never did any discrimination. It was a systematized process to attain a higher self. According to Rigveda, the modern cosmos to be well-thought-out as Vishnu. Every creation of the universe is contingent on the realm of Vishnu consecration. Implicitly in Vishnu ideology, there is no discrimination on the caste, class, race divisions. We often worship Saligram or Narayan. Shila is the holiest worship before any auspicious occasion. In Asia, North-east India, this shaligram shila used as a paradigmatic symbol of Vishnu and the restorer of the creation. A Shaligram shila idolized in the Hindu-Pauranic religion with prodigious respect and divine status.   Sometimes it is found that this. Shaligram is not allowed to touch by others apart from the inheritor of this holy piece. The discrimination starts from this point. Occasionally the inheritor claims themselves as the brahmin and the only responsible worshipper of the shaligram. Being scientific-minde...

নারায়ণ শীলা- 'জীবিত জীবাশ্ম' এর উপাসনা ।

  বেদ সম্পর্কে জ্ঞান কখনও কোনও বৈষম্য করেনি। এটি উচ্চতর জ্ঞান অর্জনের জন্য একটি নিয়মিত প্রক্রিয়া। ঋ গ্বেদের মতে , আধুনিক মহাজগতটি বিষ্ণুরূপে সুচিন্তিত। মহাবিশ্বের প্রতিটি সৃষ্টি শ্রীবিষ্ণু-পবিত্রতার ক্ষেত্রের উপর নির্ভরশীল। বিষ্ণু মতাদর্শে স্পষ্টতই বর্ণ , শ্রেণি , বর্ণ বিভাগের ক্ষেত্রে কোনও বৈষম্য নেই। আমরা প্রায়শই কোনও শুভ অনুষ্ঠানের আগে পবিত্রতম উপাসনা হিসাবে শালিগ্রাম বা নারায়ণ শীলাকে উপাসনা করি। উত্তর-পূর্ব ভারতের ও এশিয়াতে , এই শালিগ্রাম শিলা বিষ্ণুর উপমা চিহ্ন এবং সৃষ্টির পুনরুদ্ধারকারী হিসাবে ব্যবহৃত হয়ে আসছে। একটি শালিগ্রাম শিলা হিন্দু-পৌরাণিক ধর্মে অসীম মর্যাদায় বিদ্যমান। কখনও কখনও দেখা যায় যে এই শালিগ্রামকে এই পবিত্র অংশের উত্তরাধিকারী ছাড়া অন্যের দ্বারা স্পর্শ করার অনুমতি দেওয়া হয় না। এই মূহূর্ত থেকে বৈষম্য শুরু হয়। মাঝে মাঝে উত্তরাধিকারী নিজেকে ব্রাহ্মণ এবং শালিগ্রামের একমাত্র দায়িত্বশীল উপাসক হিসাবে দাবি করেন। আজকাল বৈজ্ঞানিক মনের অধিকারী হয়ে আমরা ব্রাহ্মণের আক্ষরিক অর্থ কী তা বুঝতে পারি। আসুন সেই বিতর্ককে না গিয়ে , এই প্রসঙ্গে বেদ কী বলে তার কিছু উৎস খ...

The mystery of Loka (the Vedic cosmography)

  The mystery of Loka (the Vedic cosmography) Picture:   Ancestor worship. According to Veda, it is not for the d eceased relatives, it is   acknowledgement of our existence by remembering the revered knowledgeable pitas.    T housands of year ago, according to Veda, the entire creation is divided scientifically.  Integrally this tri division is well-known as Trilok. The theory has been revealed by the Vedic sages. Super consciously these three lokas are acknowledged as ‘supremacy awareness’ as Amruta consciousness, Physical consciousness and life consciousness.   The term ‘Loka’ explicitly indicates the realm where the Self-revelation take place. This is the ‘knowledge space’ where the natural life pledges.   The Bhuloka(earth) is also estranged into three layers. Bhu Loka, Bhubah Loka, Swah Loka . The Antariksha Loka( atmosphere)  is also divided into three layers. Mahah Loka, Janahloka, Tapah Loka. The saptaloka is the...

A sacred instrument -“Damaru”-

  A sacred instrument -“Damaru”-   A small two led instrument of Lord Shiva is known as Damaru. Damaru has been symbolized as one of the secret theory of the mystery of creation. Like trishula(trident) the Vedic Shiva who is famous with the name Shambhu(the state of ecstasy) holds Damaru in his hands.   In the assembly of Damaru, two triangles have loomed together. The upper triangle is manifestation of the ‘true self’ of Shambhu and the downward triangle the creative spirit of Shambhu.     When there is no creation, creative force is merged with the true self of Shambhu. In the merged structure, one ‘balance centre’ is created in the middle of the merged triangles. The ‘balance centre’ is the power of observance.       At the time when two theories become unglued vertically, keeping the ‘balance centre’ middle, the physical expansion take place.   ...

Are you following the secret of healthy lifestyles?

      Are you following the secret of healthy lifestyles? To answer the question, one must know what is the secret of health. Healthy living means not a disease-free life. As a living being, disease is an inevitable part of life. Any harmful deviation from the usual  functionality  of an organism with certain symptoms may be caused by pathogenic microbes and viruses or genetical disorders is  a disease . According to the World Health Organization, Healthy living is a technique of existing that benefits one  relishes  more sphere of life. It is a way of surviving that drops the risk of being sick. Health is not just about avoiding an ailment or illness. “It is about physical, mental and social well-being too.” We can find the answer to the question in eternal Srimad-Bhagavat Gita. The essence of whatever is eternal always shows the right way.     “ yuktahara-viharasya yukta-cestasya karmasu yukta-svapnavabodhasya yogo bhavati duhkh...

'Mananat-trayate iti Mantrah'

    Mantra saves from boredom. A monotonous thought of worldly desire is boredom. Mantras help to liberate us from uncertainties of worldly needs. In modern busy schedule, we are struggling to fulfil our basic needs meanwhile we can experience divinity by manifesting the divine sphere within us.  The connotation of every mantra is eternity. It is a ripple beyond the cognitive understanding. When the cognizance is incapable to cognize, it just melts into a transcendental sphere. Human can sense sounds in a frequency range from almost 20 Hz to 20 kHz. Galactic sound, that originates exterior the earth’s sphere cannot be sensed by human with unembellished sound receiver. This is called cosmic noise. This noise can be experienced at higher frequency. Sometimes we can touch that in the way of inner journey. Sounds are vibrations. The explicit arrangements of group of sound establishes definite forms, like a simple temperature, variation can affect the so...