A sacred instrument -“Damaru”-


A sacred instrument -“Damaru”-


A small two led instrument of Lord Shiva is known as Damaru. Damaru has been symbolized as one of the secret theory of the mystery of creation. Like trishula(trident) the Vedic Shiva who is famous with the name Shambhu(the state of ecstasy) holds Damaru in his hands.

 In the assembly of Damaru, two triangles have loomed together. The upper triangle is manifestation of the ‘true self’ of Shambhu and the downward triangle the creative spirit of Shambhu.



When there is no creation, creative force is merged with the true self of Shambhu. In the merged structure, one ‘balance centre’ is created in the middle of the merged triangles. The ‘balance centre’ is the power of observance.



 At the time when two theories become unglued vertically, keeping the ‘balance centre’ middle, the physical expansion take place.



The lower part of the downward triangle signifies the physical body and the upward triangle illustrates the spiritual body. The middle point stays in between eyebrows. ‘Damaru’ is imagined, based on this concept. When the sound produced from it, is considered as the bliss of new creation.



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