Are you following the secret of healthy lifestyles?




Are you following the secret of healthy lifestyles?

To answer the question, one must know what is the secret of health. Healthy living means not a disease-free life. As a living being, disease is an inevitable part of life. Any harmful deviation from the usual functionality of an organism with certain symptoms may be caused by pathogenic microbes and viruses or genetical disorders is a disease.

According to the World Health Organization, Healthy living is a technique of existing that benefits one relishes more sphere of life. It is a way of surviving that drops the risk of being sick. Health is not just about avoiding an ailment or illness. “It is about physical, mental and social well-being too.” We can find the answer to the question in eternal Srimad-Bhagavat Gita. The essence of whatever is eternal always shows the right way.



yukta-cestasya karmasu
yogo bhavati duhkha-ha”
 [Gita 6:17]

The meaning of the shloka is -He(/one person) who is balancing his habits of food intake, sleeping, working and recreation can alleviate all substantial troubles by practice of yoga.

Yuktahara= Regulated eating practice.

Viharasya= Recreation

Yukta ecstasy karmasu = Regulated work for maintenance and perform duties

Yukta svapnavabodhasya= Regulated sleep and wakefulness

Yoga bhavati duhkha-ha = Yoga becomes the tool to diminish pain.

This occurs as hunger contains many features of consumption forms such as Nature of food= Oily, Sweet, Spicy etc. Frequency of intake: Number of meals in a day. Density: Low fat, High fat, amount etc. Time of intake: Like skip breakfast etc.

These all played a vital role in the Psychobiological System in the human body. Some behavioural action before intake of food and after complete eating can create the energy balance of the body. Before intake of food scientist's name, it cephalic phase and termination of eating it is termed as a post ingestive phase.

Even before the food is not touched only smell and vision can generate physiological signals. In this situation, the many parts of the gastrointestinal tract start in response. When food comes to mouth and eating ends, afferent information [Neurons that accept info from our bodily sensory organs and communicate this input to the central nervous system] controls appetite/hunger. Most of all hypothalamic nuclei is involved in cephalic phase and post ingestive phase. Hypothalamic nuclei perform activities like controlling cardiac rhythm. Controlling body temperature, maintaining blood pressure, heart rate. Physiological signals that trigger healthier living are nothing but a well-organized preparation with regulated diet, recreations, performing responsibilities and yogic practice.



            1.   Srimad-Bhagavat Gita.

2.      Hopkins, M. (2016, March 30). The Regulation of Food Intake in Humans. Retrieved November 09, 2020, from


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